Microblog Page 2

What is this thing?

This is my Microblog. Each post is called a micropost. They're short, title-less posts, that get cross-posted to Micro.blog and Mastadon. Basically like tweets, but hosted on my own server instead of Twitter (or X?).

Please don't take these posts too seriously, I don't put much thought into them. They're usually just status updates, jokes, or off-the-cuff thoughts.

My favorite thing about winter in Texas is beanies. And hoodies. But mostly beanies. Anything below 60F, it’s beanie-hoodie-time!

Built myself a couple of admin pages so I can quickly create and edit microposts!

Took me a while to figure out what to do for auth — ended up building something on top of passkeys/webauthn. Pretty happy with the end result.